My main questions about the nine day fortnight
It appears that more details on the nine day fortnight will be avaliable over the coming days – excellent. I am looking forward to having this element of the policy explained to me:
Affected workers would spend the 10th day of their working fortnight in training or education, paid for by the Government.
Where exactly do you get training once a fortnight?
What exactly constitutes training/education – does it have to be accredited, or can “doing your job” be training?
If doing your job is the training isn’t this effectively a wage subsidy? (Something I have noticed the National party don’t want to call it – even if it is one of the few ways to make some potential economic sense of the policy).
Ha, I was halfway through writing a post calling this a wage subsidy when you posted this. So I concur 🙂
Hey hey hey – still put up the post man 😉
I look forward to reading it 🙂
Raivo Pommer
Rumenien ja Lettlands geld
Die Reaktion fiel gelassen aus. Obgleich nach Ungarn und Lettland mit Rumänien nun der dritte osteuropäische EU-Mitgliedstaat die Europäische Kommission in Zahlungsschwierigkeiten geraten ist und um Hilfe gebeten hat, zeigen die Finanzmärkte nur verhaltene Reaktionen.
Die Landeswährung Leu wertet zwar um 0,8 Prozent auf 4,3077 Leu je Euro ab, doch ist sie damit immer noch unter dem Tief von Anfang Februar bei 4,3614 Leu. Die Kurse der rumänischen Staatsanleihen gaben immerhin leicht nach.
Can I ‘save’ my training day and then have 5 weeks at Outward Bound?
It would be nice to save up the training days. I don’t understand why working can’t be a “training day”
What is the situation if the boss asks you to work “overtime” on your day off? i.e. work for half a day or more!
Do you work for nothing and the boss gets the benefit?
When this scheme finishes I would not be happy with working and “extra” day for nothing!
@John Smith
It will be interesting to see what they class as “training”. It is possible that you may still work on the “day off” and it will be classed as “a day of training”. Effectively in this case the government will be legislating you a pay cut – and will be paying part of your lower wage. A weird policy indeed!