GDP June 09: The recession is over
So, the recession is over – not what I expected.
I had an ipredicit contract saying that GDP would be positive, but then I covered my position yesterday. That will teach me 😉
Update: Looks like it was the cold winter that pulled us out of recession – the increase in electricity generation more than accounted for the increase in production GDP over the quarter.
Randomly, RGNDI per person rose 1.7% in the quarter as well. This is something I’m going to have to spend some time looking at, as on the face of it that is an awesomely good result.
Update 2: Miguel points out the leap in RGNDI is because of yesterday’s reported movement of funds from BNZ.
Matt, RNGDI was up because of the $661m that foreign-owned BNZ acknowledged that it owes to the IRD. Take that out and RNGDI was down a touch.
Ahhh excellent yes – go the transfers.
Although I have to be honest, given the collapse in the TOT in the June quarter, flat RNGDI is still a little stronger than I would have expected. However, it is not excessively surprising like a 1.9% leap 😉