Entries by Matt Nolan

A society of Entrepreneurs?

Is that the future of the labour market, a myriad of “self-employed” entrepreneurs offering services in order to gain income – income that creates a claim on resources that are largely created by capital/machines. This is what the “three laws of future employment” at new geography suggests to me. (ht Marginal Revolution) . The laws […]

Wages and costs in December

So the latest labour market statistics are out … and since the “quality-adjusted wage increase” (what is actually just inflation expectations) exceeded “inflation” (proxied by annual growth in the CPI) I thought people might say something about it. I mean hell, when it was the other way around we didn’t hear the end of it […]

Prices provide a signal, not a cause

Over at the always awesome Stumbling and Mumbling blog (seriously, I could write a post about every single post this guy has done) the question is asked regarding whether society should set a “maximum wage”.  While he says that such a policy can be justified in theory he states the following: My point here is […]

Why fear labour market globalisation?

While reading Rates Blog today I came across the following statement: 7. Training your replacements – The next wave of globalisation is going to hit service sectors in developed economies that have previously been immune to outsourcing to the likes of China or India. First the manufacturing sectors in America, New Zealand and Australia (Toyota […]

A note on redistribution

There is a point to keep in mind following the state of the union address in the USA. We may believe that more redistribution is required to meet/maintain our social contract.  That is fine.  We may believe that more redistribution is “morally right”.  That is fine. But lifting taxes in of itself isn’t redistribution.  The […]