Entries by Matt Nolan

On consumption in New Zealand

I’ve just been playing around on the OECD stats site to keep abreast of relevant global economic data.  While I was there I decided to have a look at some ratios of consumption to gdp around the world, especially after realising how little my view on this and rebalancing in New Zealand has not changed […]

Auckland presentation this Friday

Hi all, I will be doing a presentation for the blogging community this Friday in Auckland.  It will be at 3pm, and we will be meeting up at the MORE FM reception on Level 2, 239 Ponsonby Rd. During the presentation I’ll cover the follow: An overview of what’s going on in Europe, what we […]

Now that’s over

With that election thing finally out of our hair, we can focus on the fact that things aren’t looking good out there. Krugman puts up a nice illustration of how this really is the fault of the Euro. (It would help if creditors and debtors just accepted that they need to take a bit of […]

If New Zealand was like this all the time …

It would be completely unlivable.  Seriously, it feels like 90% of people out there support a party – and determine whether a policy is “good” or “bad” solely on the basis that it is their party doing it.  Is this election really any different to watching your local sports derby? I mean, for the love […]

Read Brian Fallow

Off you go. In the end it comes down to supply and demand. The Reserve Bank can only influence the demand side of the economy – and that with difficulty and a considerable lag. It can’t do anything about the supply side. But Governments can. Rather than insisting that it take employment into account when […]

Papers to read

Via Marginal Revolution On a banking glut.  On excessive financing.  Both arguing against the “excessive savings” view of the crisis – which is currently my prior. Will be reading these (rereading in the case of the second one) in order to avoid listening to more crap about the NZ election … seriously, I didn’t realise […]