Entries by Matt Nolan

Rationality and scope in economics

Whenever someone is busy attempting to have a heart-to-heart with me, I have one catch all statement I always pull out: Hold yourself to a high standard that you can feel proud of, but never base your expectations or judgments of others on that standard The usual resp0nse to this is “that’s f’ing obvious”, “no […]

A point on Europe

Generally, Europe is already in big trouble.  Current negotiations are around how far Europe wants to drag the rest of us down with them. Hopefully they go down this track.

More on occupying Wellington

People who read the blog will remember how vehemently opposed to the occupation of the Reserve Bank I was.  And I stick to that – every word, even the misspelt ones. But I’m glad to see that this isn’t how the movement has evolved.  From what I can tell the focus is very much on […]