Entries by Matt Nolan

The importance of incentives

This story is a great example of how institutions can shape incentives, in order to change outcomes. The women of Barbacoas, Colombia have ended a three-month, 19-day “crossed legs” strike of sexual abstinence aimed at getting a road to their isolated town paved, after officials pledged to invest in the project. The money quote is: […]

Moral hazard: The case to increase regulation

This piece from Vox Eu provides a good run down of one of the issues of that exists when we have a central bank as a lender of last resort – moral hazard. The prospect of receiving liquidity support may distort banks’ risk-taking incentives to a much larger extent than has been acknowledged up to […]

Protectionism: What the ….

The US is pushing to start introducing duties on Chinese goods to make a “level playing field” given the currency “misalignment. Hold up a second.  China maintains a “low” exchange rate by “saving” too much – and using that savings to do things like by US currency and bonds right.  Any subsidy on Chinese exports […]

When times are tough, mess around

That is the Greek attitude it seems. They need to default, leave the Euro zone so that they can have their own currency (and the huge corresponding real wage cut).  Surely it is obvious that the politicians, and the people, don’t have the will to actually sort out their problems. I want to know what […]

Greek fact of the day

Via my boss: If Greece had a dollar for each time they were blamed for the global financial crisis, they’d be able to pay their bills I think this is worth keeping in mind.  Although, if they could pay their bills there wouldn’t be a crisis.  Then they wouldn’t be blamed for it.  Then they […]