Perverse incentives
I’m a touch busy trying to keep up with Europe, given how things seem to be a little bit on the unpleasant side. As a result, here is a cartoon from XKCD. Source (XKCD)
Matt Nolan is a NZ born Sydney based economist. Views expressed here are my own and are unrelated to my organisations.
I’m a touch busy trying to keep up with Europe, given how things seem to be a little bit on the unpleasant side. As a result, here is a cartoon from XKCD. Source (XKCD)
(Via SMBC) Come on, revealed preferences are all you need. There is no way we’re going to make our own explicit value judgments!
Wow, sorry milk manufacturers but these comments make you sound insane: Milk product manufacturer Goodman Fielder’s head of dairy, Peter Reidie, said yesterday that the debate around the price of milk had created a false perception about the value of milk. Goodman Fielder took 210 million litres of the 600 million that Fonterra was required […]
That is the story for this, that and the fact that our stock of debt is still elevated. My view of where we are heading has been heavily downgraded over the past week. NZ policy makers have done a great job, the government and the RBNZ have been sensible. NZ households have worked with what […]
Here. If he was around to push the policy debate maybe we wouldn’t be in this much of a mess. On that note, people who know nothing about economics or the allocation of resources more generally like to demonise Friedman – this is nonsensical. The guy pushed for a negative income tax/minimum income level, he […]
I genuinely can’t believe the things I’m reading. If they said that the current slump was solely down to supply side factors then their position would be coherent. But instead the argument is that, when we are in a liquidity trap, we should just ride it out. In terms of the literature, using higher inflation […]