Entries by Matt Nolan

Self interested story of the day?

So an investment bank comes to the conclusion in a report that too few New Zealand firms are listed, especially on New Zealand’s stock exchange. Aha. Why do people take all this capital deepening rubbish seriously – we are a small open economy, with open access to financial markets.  As long as price signals are […]

Workers are different

It is true, and yes it is obvious … however, just because it is obvious doesn’t make it a useless fact – in truth it is an essential, and oft ignored point to keep in mind.  As raised here (ht MR): Those of us who actually work in industry and are involved in large engineering […]

Youth training policy

I see that Labour has suggested a youth training policy – I like it.  I am not a fan of their tax policy (I’d fund by reproritising spending, or just increasing tax rates if society so desires, or best of all – actually improving the tax system), but that has nothing to do with this. […]