Entries by Matt Nolan

A note on NZ’s debt level

Over at his blog Roger Kerr shows a graph of net external liabilities for a range of different countries – showing that in March 2009 New Zealand was pretty far out there. It is true that our net international liability position is pretty big, it is also true that even though it might be exagerrated […]

Robots, uber richness, unemployment: Points to keep in mind

I think the statement “points to keep” in mind is currently my favourite thing around … however, I digress and I haven’t actually started the post yet. Over at the Dim Post Danyl has an interesting point, derived from this post: If some future entrepreneur invents a labour saving device that makes them a multi-trillionaire […]

Bleg: Facts and beliefs

Question: Why is it that, in economics (compared to other disciplines), people are a lot less likely to let observed facts change their opinion on what is going on, or how the world works?  Is it because: The data is too unreliable The data requires “value statements” to make sense that cannot be separated from […]