Entries by Matt Nolan

Creeping nationalism

You know what I love, this article from the Dom by Nigel Pinkerton.  Read this: Z Energy’s advertisement was, at best, sloppy and, at worst, a deliberate attempt to build its brand on a misguided sense of national pride by implying that New Zealander’s deserve those jobs, even at a higher wage, more than foreigners.  […]

Strawman at the centre of the discussion of economics

In an article in the Herald it is suggested that the separation of economics from moral philosophy is morally abhorrent, and as a result we should ignore what economists say about tax. I will put the tl;dr up first:  Economic theory is “descriptive” – which in turn allows us to discuss how economic theory is […]

Has monetary policy failed the world?

There are two views of the long festering economic malaise that has hit the world – the view that monetary policy has done too little (read Sumner – I would put proponents of fiscal policy in the same camp) and the view that the world is re-adjusting to a structural shock and so has to […]

Is it wrong that …

… the first time any concern popped into my head while reading this cartoon was when, half way through, I suddenly thought “where is the demand curve”? He shows that supply rises as price rises – and that is great.  And given that the marginal cost is zero, this would give pretty awesome profits.  However, […]