Entries by Matt Nolan

A point on debt

Around the world there are a lot of complaints that there is too much debt, that debt will prevent a recovery, and that debt is the root of all problems – be it fiscal deficits, debt fueled consumption, or a debt powered housing market. While there are undeniable issues to keep in mind, there are […]

UK riots

The riots in the UK are not pleasant, that much is clear.  Seeing such anger and hatred is never nice, but when this is happening to innocent people by a bunch of rioters who just feel bored and want to get kicks it is even more frustrating. In this context, I find the comments of […]

More on the recent labour market data

Via Twitter, James Shaw informs me of the following critique of my post where I stated the media were misrepresenting the latest wage-price data. Lies, damn lies & statistics. A friend reckons TVHE is also only painting a partial picture. QES includes merit promotions, so wages have kept up with inflation *if* you got promoted. […]

Tackling the core

NZIER raises an important point regarding New Zealand – the core costs of government look set to increase substantially in the next 15 years. Now I don’t want to overplay the increase in health costs and superannuation – those will occur, but at the same time a smaller proportion of people in the youth category […]

The driver of the latest market meltdown

Although some people think its poor US economic data and increasing concerns around European sovereign debt driving the current market crisis, the Onion has unveiled the true story: Bernanke, who sources confirmed was “totally sloshed,” arrived at the drinking establishment at approximately 5:30 p.m., ensconced himself upon a bar stool, and consumed several bottles of […]