Entries by Matt Nolan

A good illustration of tax incidence

Via Marginal Revolution we have seen this post from Steve Landsburg. So what happens if the government takes Mr. Kendrick’s $84 million away? Answer: A bunch of zeros and ones get shifted around on bank computers. Mr. Kendrick goes right on pushing his cars around. And nothing else has changed. Unless, of course, the government […]

Financial stability, the crisis, and counterfactuals

In an interesting post on macro-blog, two things are mentioned towards the end: Specifically, the pre-2008 consensus argued that monetary policy should follow a ‘rule’ based only on output gaps and inflation, but a few dissenters thought that credit aggregates deserved to be watched carefully and incorporated into monetary policy. The influence of the credit […]

Black markets, crime, and costs

Via Facebook I’ve been informed that our Australian friends have added an interesting interpretation to the costs of crime syndicates. “Every dollar stolen through organised crime activity is a dollar that cannot be spent on education, health or any number of services,” O’Connor said. Now on the face of it this statement is patently ridiculous […]

More on AMI

I am surprised that no-one has mentioned the idea of a “bank run” on AMI in the comments to this previous post.  Surely the justification for government action is that, without it, non-claimants would pull out of AMI due to concerns about AMI’s stability following the quake.  If AMI was still SOLVENT but lacked sufficient […]