Entries by Matt Nolan

AMI and moral hazard

So when a disaster hits, the government is willing to bail out domestic insurance companies to “provide certainty for claimants”.  Ok. As a result, insurance firms will discount these large scale low probability events – and take on more risk when providing loans.  Their willingness to take on more risk than is socially optimal will […]

Quote of the day: An excellent conclusion on trade

This is a point we all need to remember. Even when the benefits outweigh the costs, the tabulation of gains and losses by groups highlights the facts that international trade has distributional consequences. That realization should not induce policymakers to hinder trade via protectionist measures. Rather it reminds us that transfers from gainers to losers […]

Looking at the wrong place on inequality

Via Bernard Hickey’s Twitter feed I saw the following from the IMF: But this globalisation had a dark side — a large and growing chasm between rich and poor. While trade globalisation is associated with lower inequality, financial globalisation — the big story of recent years — increased it. Even ignoring other important policy elements, […]