Entries by Matt Nolan

Private sector fails to take on losers …

Interesting series of quotes on the disaster that was think big. The years of media coverage have not been kind to the “think big” projects of the early 1980s – speculated to have cost taxpayers about $7 billion. … “It’s a peculiarity of New Zealand that both our main parties have been interventionist and it […]

More on commodity booms

After today’s discussion on food prices, it was interesting to see a speech out of the Reserve Bank. The speech was painting risks – so stating things that could occur that were both positive and negative (risks are not just negative things when your current forecasts “balance” risks).  It was good, it raised issues, and […]

Comic government test

Look at this comic right now, before reading any other comments or anything I have to say. Via SMBC Then, if you can be bothered, write in the comments your first impression regarding what this comic implied about government. Brief comment from me under the fold.

Saving and consumers: A note

There has been a lot of talk about savings and rebalancing.  I’m not going to touch this stuff in much detail until the Savings Working Group releases their final report.  But in any case, I do need to say a little something now. I didn’t like the interim report from the savings group (but remain […]