Entries by Matt Nolan

Keeping financial stability and monetary policy together

I have long stated that targets of “financial stability” and “price stability” (monetary policy) were important – but should be performed in separate, yet independent, operational terms (here and here).  Namely, keep the central bank focused on monetary policy while another organisation/operational entity solely focuses on the more long term goal of financial stability. In […]

“Irrationality” is not a sufficient condition for intervention

One thing that irritates the hell out of me is the fact that many people believe the slightest sign of cognitive limitations implies that we should have government intervention. Hell I’m centrist, I see myself as left-leaning in somethings and right-leaning in others.  But this attitude leads to ridiculous, poorly thought out, interventions. Several things […]

Reactions to economists and the protestant work ethic

Economists like to discuss issues with trade-offs.  Specifically, if there is a goal in mind economists LOVE to discuss how to reach that goal at the lowest cost. For some reason, I find many non-economists out there don’t share this enthusiasm, at least implicitly.  Just look at what happened when SuperFreakonomics discussed the idea of […]