Entries by Matt Nolan

A question to all

Why do policy makers care about this graph so much right now? (ht Roger Kerr) Specifically, my question to people is simply this three parter: Does this graph show an issue, If so, what is it? And if so, are their any changes that could improve matters? Some small thoughts of my own beneath the […]

Psychics, data, theory, and economics

When Dr Bem’s study on psi was released, I chose to focus my discussion on how the study – if perfect and accepted – would give us a test of determinism vs free will.  When I initially saw the study, two things entered my head – and were filled up during a coffee meeting with […]

Economists and Facebook events

Yes, this is how a general economist analyses social situations: An invitation is an option that can be exercised at any time before the date of the party.  The people who did not respond immediately are waiting to decide whether to exercise the option.  If she’s a true friend then this is because she has […]