Entries by Matt Nolan

Scott Sumner wins

That is my impression of what is going on here (see Fed minutes too): The Fed also said for the first time that it was considering targeting a path for the level of nominal gross domestic product as a way to increase price expectations. And in case you aren’t sure who I’m talking about – […]


From Policy Progress: The giveaway words are ‘believe’ and ‘completely’. Very absolute words, those. Generally to be avoided unless you have solid evidence. Very true, it reminds me of an old quote: Only a Sith deals in absolutes Of course, this quote makes sense, given my view that economists share similarities with the Jedi in […]

Nobel 2010

Congratulations to Peter Diamond, Dale Mortensen, and Christopher Pissarides on being joint winners of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics. I am stoked that Peter Diamond won this year – I was quietly rooting for him, especially after all this rubbish argument about whether he could be a Fed governor (of course he could be).  […]

More on macro controls

From Eric Crampton: Because he personally has lost faith in modern portfolio theory, he wants to force all of us to invest locally. Yeah, things have been rough for the last few years. But the proposal here seems pretty worrying. It is a great post – adding to the things I said here, so definitely […]