Entries by Matt Nolan

A step too far: The case against pursuing direct capital/trade/currency controls

To start off with I have to admit I like Bernard Hickey.  I like the fact he has got out there, written about New Zealand economic issues, and pushed to add an open debate type platform to the discussion regarding the New Zealand economy.  As a result, I may have not been critical enough when […]

When illegitimate is legitimate

Over at Not PC a number of economic and social concepts are termed “illegitimate” namely: Externalities, Opportunity cost, Free-rider problems, Stake-holder theory. However, these are some of the most important – and legitimate – concepts that should be looked at when forming policy.  I don’t like to use the word should lightly – but in […]

The importance of economics education

Is keenly illustrated here: Asked about overseas investment funds profiteering during a period of economic uncertainty, she said:  ‘I see some of them looking for returns of 20 or 25 per cent, at a time when fellatio is almost non-existent.’ Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1315472/French-MEP-Rachida-Dati-confuses-oral-sex-inflation.html#ixzz10lY3rnMT Then again, everyone is saying there is too little inflation at the […]

Thoughts on a good economist

A good economist is like a petulant child.  They always ask why, never fully accept an answer, and rarely fully reject one. Yes, a great economist will have a bunch of other skills – both normative and analytical.  However, I’d say the desire to question and keep an open mind provides a necessary condition for […]