Entries by Matt Nolan

Economists in agreement?

So Don Brash spoke out against compulsory savings, as did Gareth Morgan (note that both would benefit personally from the policy, to a large degree). John Carran’s article sums up how Infometrics feels about the policy.  And I am under the impression that every single NZ economics blogger that has touched the issue has said […]

Savings working group

I am a bit tied down at present (which should be obvious by my lack of response to comments). However, I just had to pop around to say that I approve of the team for the savings working group – bunch of great thinkers that will look at the issue objectively, and come up with […]

Let me get this straight

One of the main reasons the government wants to crack down on alcohol is because of the “scenes no civilized society can relish“, which is when people of the age of 18-24 go into town and run amok – causing definite damage to other people, in some way, or something. So they are introducing a […]

Warning: Text book notes

I’ve found that I don’t learn much reading – I prefer to write things in order to learn them.  I don’t know what it is, when I’m reading I just stop paying attention.  My favourite way to learn things is for someone to say it at me – but this isn’t always practical. As a […]