Entries by Matt Nolan

Income splitting turns up again

So Peter Dunne has, again, stated that he is trying to bring up income splitting for tax purposes (ht Dim Post). Now, we’ve discussed this before, over two years ago.  Our primary point was: If we then view individuals as the appropriate economic unit, income splitting seems un-equitable. By allowing income splitting we are giving […]

The ultimate policy?

If there was a way that the government could: Reduce government debt levels, Cut income taxes, Destroy the Green party and eat up sections of Labour support. Would it want to do it?  I suspect so. As a result, why aren’t they legalising and taxing drugs? Note:  None of these provide particularly good reasons for […]

Ridiculous statement

So Chris Barton in the Herald stated: Those who call for a cost-benefit analysis of the (broadband) plan don’t understand the internet O.o It is obvious from this statement that Chris Barton doesn’t understand what a cost-benefit analysis is, and just wants fast internet so badly that he is willing to ignore any points against […]

Get the right counterfactual!

Arnold Kling makes an important point when discussing market failure on Econlog: Instead, it says that every industry is dysfunctional in its own way. But every industry is dysfunctional. He points out that this may lead people to the conclusion that: And in every case, experts wielding the power of the state are presumed to […]

Competition for Ecstasy

Via Dim Post there is an article from the Herald discussing competition in the illicit drug market.  The main point is: Ecstasy dealers are competing “like Pepsi and Coke” to sell their drug Now, after reading this statement my first reaction was “good!” Why?  Well, if their is competition in the industry it will improve […]