Entries by Matt Nolan

Compulsory taxi cameras: Crampton translates

Eric Crampton translates a NBR article on the introduction of compulsory cameras in taxis.  My favourite bit: “In-vehicle cameras are widely supported among the industry as a way of preventing competition by new rivals, and while drivers can never be 100 percent safe, these measures will make a significant reduction to the risks competition that […]

A note on GDP

Anti-Dismal points out the fact that Colin James seems to have run into a little confusion around the GDP statistics.  Now, I can understand this confusion AND I agree that we need to think more sensibly about what income is before we run around making comparisons.  In this sense, all I want to point out […]

Translation: Foreign investment

This time from Frogblog: Foreign investment is driving up the price of rural land to an extent that it is unaffordable for many would-be New Zealand farmers to own their own farms Translation:  Foreign investors are willing to pay at a higher level than is appropriate given the rate of return of the land for […]