Entries by Matt Nolan

Drink heavily tonight

Because it makes you smarter: (Source Marginal Revolution) Note: I am joking, this is not causality.  For one we don’t have a quantity measure of drinking, and the impact of drinking on intelligence is no doubt non-linear.  In fact, you could make the argument that “smarter” people know how control their own alcohol consumption, and […]

Why all the hating on DSGEs?

Over at Greg Mankiw’s blog he links to a comment on DSGE models by the legendary Robert Solow.  Surprisingly, the comment is relatively negative. If I am honest, I found Solow’s attack on DSGE a little strange, and fairly inconsistent.  Here is why: Update: (Before saying why I think this, I should say) This initially […]

Don’t stop limiting our competitors ability to compete say rivals

That is what the title to this article is suggesting right? My impression is that Telecoms rivals want two things to continue happening: Telecom to be ineligible for broadband subsidies that they are getting from government, Telecom to be regulated in a way that:  Reduces Telecom’s ability to increase downstream costs.  Likely increases Telecom’s marginal […]

Testing my economic knowledge

Not PC has a quiz up on economics stuff – I thought it would be fun to do.  So here goes. 1)  Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures a country’s total economic activity. Answer:  False.  As it excludes activities where the market isn’t explicit. 2)  Consumer spending represents around two-thirds of the economy. Answer:  Depends how […]