Entries by Matt Nolan

It’s funny because it’s true …

I suspect this is part of the reason why none of the economists I know play board games together … Source SMBC. It is true though, if you ever come out for drinks with us this is how we talk … hell, that is even how I plan on dressing in a few years time […]

Tertiary funding: What is the rationale?

It sounds like the tertiary education minister and universities will come into conflict regarding funding, again.  In this specific case, I think both sides are wrong/focusing a bit narrowly. The tertiary education minister is saying the government should link funding to performance measures – including work placement.  The philosophy guy that was asked disagreed, as […]

Economists and values

Another great comic from SMBC: To (as usual) kill the fun a bit, I would note that the Economist is explicitly placing value on life in order to understand trade-offs.  The “normal person” is still placing an implicit value on life when they discuss the policy – they just don’t want to say it.  This […]