Entries by Matt Nolan

GST rise “helping the poor”

Hone said that the increase in GST will hurt the poor.  His justification is: GST hits poor people the hardest because nearly all of their money is spent on things that you pay GST on – food, petrol, electricity – so any increase is going to really hurt them Interesting.  I was under the impression […]

Motivating effort through flagellation

Following yesterdays brainstorm on compulsory work, another post on NZ catching Australia has inspired a policy prescription.  State funded flagellation agents for firms. Government has set a prosperity target, to match Australia’s GDP per capita by 2025. Efforts to increase the availability of capital for productive firms and to innovate more effectively are important steps […]

Compulsory 10 hours of unpaid work

Inspired by this post on compulsory superannuation, here is a post on “compulsory work” (eg slavery). Without compulsory work New Zealand is destined to become an economic backwater. Our relative standard of living, particularly when compared to Australia, will continue to decline. Two important actions can reverse our long term economic decline, effective labour market […]

Quote of the Day: Selling ideas

From Bernard Hickey in the Herald: Floating an idea that you don’t really believe in is never a good idea. This is a great quote, completely true. I also think he makes good points discussing Goff’s chat on tax and inflation policy. Update: Dim Post makes a good point on the “framing” of policies, and […]