Entries by Matt Nolan

With alcohol regulation remember

Remember the simple fact that, as long as we believe people are responsible, have better information on themselves, and are better able to make choices regarding themselves then arbitrary regulation (or some lesser combination of these points), then we shouldn’t focus on the entire “social cost (private + external costs)” associated with alcohol when regulating. […]

Unashamed advertising …

In the interest of providing more timely information regarding economic information, or at least our view, the firm I work for (Infometrics) has made a Twitter page and a Facebook page. The purpose of the Twitter page is to put down our first thoughts on data, and links to articles.  The purpose of the Facebook […]

Maths and economics … again

Not PC has a critique of the use of mathmatics in economics.  Critising the discipline of economics has been especially popular lately.  I have had engineers (and some physicists) call me up to tell me that we do economics wrong and we need more maths (to which my reply would be to look more closely […]