Entries by Matt Nolan

Taxi cameras, why?

Ok, so the government is making it compulsory for taxi drivers to put cameras in there cars right?  They are doing this because some taxi drivers have been tragically injured – so its a safety issue. But if its in the driver’s interest to have the camera, and they are the only ones getting a […]

NZ scorecard: Hold up a second

NZI gave New Zealand a C mark (ht Kiwiblog).  My response was “ok, whatever really, although it is a pretty site”.  This has told some people that the government should turn around and randomly do things.  My response to this is “what?” Now don’t get me wrong here, the site is very pretty.  But I […]

Excellent example of price discrimination

Via the Freakonomics blog comes the following picture: Source. At first glance this seems weird, they are charging different prices for the same thing!!!  However, as anyone with experience of vending machines and universities knows, these puppies provide a lot of service to students late at night.  In fact, it is typical for sections of […]

Foreign investment explained?

Well, it isn’t explained by this cartoon. Source:  NZ Herald. Lets assume, for the sake of argument, that New Zealanders aren’t racist.  In this case, I can’t see the problem with “foreign investment”. Think of it this way.  There are private individuals that happen to be New Zealanders that own things.  There are private individuals […]

I’m sick of this …

Serious, what in the hell.  I am sick of reports that talk about these massive benefits of government spending without actually looking at them in context with, you know, opportunity cost. I was annoyed with the way a PWC report was used, and now this release on a Covec report is similarly dodgey.  The report […]