Robin Hood Tax redux?
Here are two articles against a Robin Hood tax: One from me (also here) and one from Patrick Nolan. Feel free to comment about them here.
Matt Nolan is a NZ born Sydney based economist. Views expressed here are my own and are unrelated to my organisations.
Here are two articles against a Robin Hood tax: One from me (also here) and one from Patrick Nolan. Feel free to comment about them here.
Over at Policy Progress, David Choat reminds us to be careful looking at productivity stats. This is true. I have heard arguments against looking at productivity (here and here) and for looking at productivity (here and here). If you click the links you will see that each time it is actually the same person talking […]
There has been an interesting discussion comparing the recession in three open economies, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. It started with the Canadians, but a couple of New Zealanders then became involved. The facts are that: Headline inflation in all three countries is currently close to target (implying that we all made our inflation targets), […]
Note: Apologises for the lack of action here. If I was any busy I would become a singularity. Regular posting will eventually restart. Now for a post … Bernard Hickey recommended sticking to floating mortgages for the long haul on Rates blog recently. This is in stark contrast to Tony Alexander’s suggestion that, in a […]
Economist’s View links to a post on the Vox EU site by Hans Gersbach. At the start of the post Mark Thoma states: I have argued many times that the Fed should have two roles. It should conduct monetary policy, and it should be the primary regulator of the financial system. However, not everyone agrees. […]
This is a “sister post” to a discussion on the adult community education market over at the Education Directions blog. Dave Guerin has substantially more knowledgeable about the industry then I do, and his comments are well worth reading. I offered to do a small post discussing the “benefits of ACE” which have been bandied […]