Entries by Matt Nolan

Football interlude: Go to the Phoenix game

We (the Phoenix) have a home “semi” today.  Now the use of the word semi is strange – if we win, we play the Newcastle Jets.  If we win that we play the loser of the two legged playoff between Sydney and Melbourne.  If we win that, we play the winner of the two legged […]

Hmmm, suspicious … (New Zealand as a financial hub)

I have nothing against the idea of a “financial hub” per see.  We can make an argument for “infant industries” or “positive spillovers” to justify government involvement.  However, the burden of proof is on those making the claims. That is why the Herald story on this makes me suspicious. Making New Zealand an international finance […]

Shift to GST and “imbalances”

Further to our discussion of New Zealand doing a compensated shift of taxes from income to GST (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here) we come to the issue of economic imbalances in NZ. Ok, so the imbalance has something to do with tradable sector activity flatlining while non-tradable sector activity increased – meaning […]

Tax shift and immigration

There is talk that a lower income tax might, at the margin, reduce immigration.  Now when the income tax cut is measured with an increase in consumption taxes, this argument becomes a lot weaker. By taxing consumption instead of income we increase the price of everything, and thereby lower incomes.  If people HAD to consume […]