Entries by Matt Nolan

On “the” fiscal stimulus

Over at Kiwiblog there is discussion of the Democrat loss in Massachusetts.  Reading through the piece David Farrar stated: Priorities. Obama’s fiscal stimulus did little bar increase the deficit massively, and turn the country into deficit hawks. Unemployment went well beyond his worst forecasts Now I found this statement unusal in that David’s writing is […]

Need more behavioural relationships please

I started life as a microeconomist, which is why the sort of discussion about nominal shocks going on between Sumner, Kling, and Woolsey seems a little weird to me. To horrendously oversimplify the positions in order to make this post easier to tie together, Sumner seems to state that the Fed needs to print money […]

Love is a prisoner’s dilemma

Well that is one of the interpretations from the Google autocomplete results for the search “how can I get my boyfriend/girlfriend to” (ht Offsetting Behaviour). Why?  Well the third highest result when asking about boyfriends, and the fifth highest when asking about girlfriends is “how can I get my boy/girl to love me again”.  The […]

A note of caution for NZ

Things are generally looking better for New Zealand.  Consumer, business, and forecaster expectations of growth have improved, our trading partners are stabilising, and financial markets are functioning.  Yay. But one piece of data that leaves me a little cautious is the money stock data.  The broadest measure of the money stock (M3)  declined 2% on […]