Entries by Matt Nolan

Economists and opportunity cost

The Wall Street Journal has an article that discusses how economists are “cheapskates”. I probably wouldn’t use that term, I would say that economists understand the opportunity cost of different choices and so can pick more objectively between alternatives. Anyway, what struck me was this passage: Economist Robert Gordon, of Northwestern University, says he drives […]

Karl du Fresne’s review of Avatar

Is spot on (ht Offsetting Behaviour).  I can’t remember the last time I got as genuinely bored in a movie as I did with Avatar.  The scenery and graphics were beautiful, but the acting and story were both atrocious. I tried to enjoy it, hell I even did enjoy it for the first 30 mins.  […]

Pop lyrics and cognitive biases

There is an excellent post from Stumbling and Mumbling on this issue, it can be found here.  I love the conclusion: Now, I don’t want to claim that all of this year’s most popular songs contain howling irrationalities. The mighty Lady Gaga passes muster. But could it be that such irrationalities – as distinct from […]

Evolving blog focus

I was recently accused (by co-author Goonix) of becoming more libertarian over the past 2 1/2 years.  Now I don’t agree, I think I am where I was in July 2007.  However, it is evident that the particular focus of the blog has evolved since then.

Filler: The Sweeney posts

I am still feeling tired from Christmas, but my pre-set posts from before the break are now finished. I did watch Sweeney Todd last night (the movie) and so will leave you with the two posts I did about the movie and welfare policies here and here.  Be warned, there are spoilers.