Entries by Matt Nolan

More reasons to legalise drugs?

When this article appeared in Stuff it seemed to want to give the impression that drugs = bad.  That is good for it.  However, when I read it it simply made me think that we should legalise said drugs.  Here is why. Ecstasy users are unwittingly taking other potentially more dangerous substances including P, as […]

Quote of the day: Band aid vs Core solutions

I agree with this quote 100%: There is often a discussion about the great divides in economics – Neoclassical vs. Keynesian, Freshwater vs. Saltwater, Left-Wing vs. Right Wing, Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up, Elites vs. Populists, etc. Another one should be between economists who feel the way to counter the distortions caused by 34 different government policies […]

Farewell Paul Samuelson

His work and his methods drove economics into the position it is today.  In terms of driving the economic method forward (and establishing “economic science”) he is the most important economist of the 20th century in my opinion. Here are some links discussing his life and work: Economist’s View. Marginal Revolution (and, and) Anti-Dismal. Paul […]