Entries by Matt Nolan

Why all the talk about a new currency?

I’m lost here.  According to this article, and a bunch of others like it, we need a new international currency to protect little countries (like NZ) and relatively undeveloped countries. There are two ways of taking this: Using the US$ as a sole reserve currency is too risky, we need a basket of currencies. We […]


Defective Equilibrium mentions that John Minto’s idea of a salary cap is madness.  He is correct. My question is why?  Why have a salary cap?  Why would society need to stop people voluntarily trading? If someone pays someone else an “eye popping salary” this is voluntary trade, why do we feel that we have to […]

Quote 23: Daniel Little on Popper and meta-social theories

Excellent quote (ht Economist’s View): Popper’s critique of historicism, then, can be rephrased as a compelling critique of the model of the natural sciences as a meta-theory for the social and historical sciences. History and society are not law-governed systems for which we might eventually hope to find exact and comprehensive theories. Instead, they are […]

Bailouts, moral hazard, and the money supply

Over at Anti-Dismal Paul Walker says: The bailouts were not a good idea, just think of the moral hazard problem this has created, while there may have been more justification for the Fed acting to prevent the money supply from falling. These are all important issues.  If the “bailout” (I use the term loosely, as […]