Entries by Matt Nolan

Subsidises and complaints

Over at the Standard they have made an inference I agree with, namely that a subsidy doesn’t just increase consumer surplus, but they have taken it in a way I disagree with.  Given I have no time I will just pull my comments out of the blog and put them here 🙂 I agree with […]

Forecast of rising house prices: So what

An Infometrics report for QBE has stated that house prices are expected to be 24% higher in three years time.  As the Rates Blog says this implies that “inflation-adjusted house prices were currently 15% above their long-term trend-line but could get toward 30% above the trend by June 2012”. The people commenting on the blog […]

Internalities, mechanisms, and booze

NZIER has released an “Insight” on internalities – specifically stating that this is one way we could justify some of the costs in the BERL alcohol report as being policy relevant.  Eric Crampton discussed the release here. What are internalities?  Internalities is the name for the cost associated with not being able to “commit” to […]