Entries by Matt Nolan

In defence of the neg

Both Tyler Cowen and Andrew Sullivan have turned on the attack against the “dating game”, specifically the “neg“. Now any attack on moral grounds could be justifiable (as could any defence), it is just about personal value judgments. But both authours mention that they see the neg as a suboptimal strategy. On these theoretical grounds […]

My recent addiction

Following today’s discussion on an addiction study I have realised that I must have an addition. For the last 2 months I have been painfully addicted to a horrendous substance – not drinking (except for this one intervention that was staged about 3 weeks ago). It has had all the negative impacts associated with addiction: […]

Born short

No in the title to this post I am not complaining about my lack of height.  I am simply discussing the housing market 😉 The Worthwhile Canadian Initiative gives an interesting point on housing:  We are all born with a short position on housing. This has an interesting implication.  Since short positions involve risk and […]

Introducing the Hand

As you will have noted all four of the current authours (Matt, Rauparaha, Agnitio, and Goonix) have been running at close to full capacity outside of the blog, and so blog material has been lacking for the last three months. Furthermore, we have barely been able to respond to comments. To help push along blog […]

Careful with this investment now …

So I hear that Wellington’s Morrison & Co’s Public Infrastructure Partnership fund is going to start spending the government’s “$500m infrastructure fund” ($100m of which is arbitrarily from the Super Fund). According to the article they: see significant potential for the fund because of under-investment in the past and because the Government is facing many […]