Entries by Matt Nolan

RBNZ inconsistency

Eric Crampton points out that the RBNZ seems quite inconsistent at the moment. Now I have a high level of respect for our central bank, but Crampton is completely right. How are they inconsistent? They complained that retail banks aren’t cutting interest rates far enough, then they stated that they think household’s need to save […]

On penalty cash rates

Scott Fullwiler from New Economic Perspectives (ht Economists View) describes some issues he has with the “negative interest rate” idea being put forward by Willem Buiter , Greg Mankiw , and Scott Sumner Now I have previously put my foot forward and said I agree with this idea (here and here) and I still feel […]

Careful with the paradox of thrift

Paul Krugman has just mentioned that the “paradox of thrift” has shown up in the data. Now my opinion has moved over time, and I do think that the US is now experiencing a paradox of thrift – but his evidence appears to have nothing to do with this. I believe that we are hitting […]

Where is the externality here?

There have been wild debates surrounding the BERL report into the social costs of alcohol.  I haven’t read the report, I haven’t read the replies, I have to admit I have been busy. However, in one of Eric Crampton’s many posts on the issue I see that generally an externality from lost output, excessive unemployment, […]