Entries by Matt Nolan

iPredict return on investment

iPredict just added a “return on investment” ranking – so that we can see who made the most out of their limited capital. Although I am not on the list (Note: I wonder why, was my initial investment too low to be included?), I noticed that “Economist” is number 1. Furthermore, I’m relatively sure that […]

Hand waving, model making, and variable lags

I would suggest that anyone who is interested in economic models reads this post, namely because I agree with it wholeheartedly 🙂 While it might seem cool to run some regressions and get a result that you believe will tell you the future it is important to realise what your implicit assumptions are.  If you […]

More definitions of economics

I just asked this new Wolfram Alpha search engine “what is economics”.  It told me: Economics:  The branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management This differs from the Robbins definition of economic science: Economics is a science which studies human behavior as […]

So tired …

Of productivity talk.  On dicussing the NZIER report (which we discussed here) Kiwiblog mentions: Productivity growth is all important. Productivity is a ratio – I could increase it right now by shooting half the population.  It is the output that matters here, and how much we have to sacrifice to get it.  Increasing output (which […]