Entries by Matt Nolan

Consumer debt, monetarism, and depressions

Economist’s View links to an interesting article by Steven Gjerstand and Vernon Smith. In this article they say that the high level of consumer debt in a number of countries is a concern – and indicates the possibility of a depression style contraction. This has the ring of truth. However, they also say: The causes […]

Why freeze public sector wages?

I am not a fan of policies that freeze wages. However, the idea that the government will freeze the wages of public sector doesn’t seem to really be being debated – outside of the seemingly biased view of the public sector union. Now, this is one of those rare cases where I think the public […]

March NZIER QSBO: Wowsers

Ok, all I can say here is that this is a really bad result. Everyone knew March was bad, the RBNZ said they expected a bad result, but the net 45% of firms expecting a fall in their own activity is an unconscionably bad result.  I must admit that I was a little surprised. Now, […]

Easter and retail sales

Paymark has reported some interesting results for electronic card sales over March. In their news story they say the food and liquor are doing well relative to March last year, travel looks soft, and if we adjust for the funky timing of Easter (last year it was in March, this year it is back to […]

Housing market: The Barefoot result

So Barefoot and Thompson have seen a sharp increase in houes sales in March (although the increase on last March is exagerrated – given that Easter was in March last year). I managed to get quoted in the article on it – and I sounded a little more positive than I expected.  So lets discuss […]