Entries by Matt Nolan

Where is the outcry/defence?

Given the relatively unimportant issues that get wide coverage in the blogsphere I am very surprised not to see many people ranting about the possible “revoking of visas” for temporary workers in New Zealand. Now, we (well mainly me – I don’t want to put words in the other authors mouths) have ranted a lot […]

Unintended consequences: Sanlu poisoned milk

The Sanlu poisoned milk saga was extremely sad, no-one likes to hear of deaths caused by products. Beyond the tragic deaths, the saga was expected to hurt Fonterra heavily – they had a large stake in Sanlu, and it was expected to sully their reputation in China.  However, this wasn’t the case. After the crisis […]

Jobs and production

In the comments to the “Sigh” post, rainman raises the following reason for government action against currently employed temporary workers: What then do the displaced workers like the welder in this story do? Go on the dole? Now, the primary argument against this is that the “displaced workers” aren’t solely displaced. The immigrants are doing […]

Ummmmm. Ohhh. Hmmmm.

Government to cut back the number of temporary work permits for skilled labour.  Great way to make the recession deeper guys. So there are jobs that could create real value and production in the country, and we don’t want to let people come in and do those jobs.  When did NZ first come into power […]