Entries by Matt Nolan

The US economy is still very mighty

I was sent a book called “When Giants Fall” – which I am part of the way through.  It is very well written, although I have some issues about the economics type ideas in it.  Once I have finished it I will be sure to pop a review up. One of the implicit claims in […]

Why prefer spending to savings

Prime Minister Key appears to believe that it is in the interest of the nation for us all to take our tax cuts and throw them around – either spending them or finding other people to spend them for us.  However, I don’t see why we have to rely on consumption now or giving to […]

Is qualitative easing a partial default?

The Fed is going to buy some government bonds. Now, if they fund this buy printing money – doesn’t this effectively imply that they are shifting the burden of their recession from taxpayers to bond holders? If so, isn’t this equivalent to a partial default on debt. I don’t think other countries would be allowed […]