TVHE Twitter
Following a suggestion from Bernard Hickey (blog here) we have decided to set up a TVHE Twitter. If you use that and want to add us on go ahead 🙂
Matt Nolan is a NZ born Sydney based economist. Views expressed here are my own and are unrelated to my organisations.
Following a suggestion from Bernard Hickey (blog here) we have decided to set up a TVHE Twitter. If you use that and want to add us on go ahead 🙂
There is a good reason why I want tax policy to be set independently – so that the true cost associated with the dumping of the regional fuel tax can be realised. Lets ignore the conjectures and hyperbole about how we are raising funds to “electrify the railway”. If government is going to spend a […]
Hell yes. Twice in one year – beautiful. I don’t think we are in range to win the title – but this win has to give us hope.
This was a quality quote (ht Economist’s View): Paradoxically, then, the current disarray within the profession is perhaps a better reflection of the profession’s true value added than its previous misleading consensus. Economics can at best clarify the choices for policymakers; it cannot make those choices for them. I have to admit – I agree […]
Realising that I am probably low on content Bill Bennet (his blog) gave me a question to write a post on: Why did the NZ$ shoot up against the A$ when the official NZ interest rate dropped below Australia’s? The declared rate was pretty much the one anticipated and the $’s climb was dramatic. There […]
Over at Eric Crampton’s excellent blog he did a round up of NZ economic issues. In this round up he stated: On the whole, Key’s National government has so far done a lot less harm than have others I agree. Paul Walker takes issue with this stating: This government can, in my view, do a […]