Entries by Matt Nolan

Book Review: Bits, Bytes, and Balance Sheets

Title: Bits, Bytes, and Balance Sheets (Amazon) Authour: Walter B. Wriston Publisher: Hoover Institution Press (*) Score: 5/10 The book “Bits, Bytes, and Balance Sheets” aims to provide some flavour surrounding technologies role in changing the economic environment, and related institutions (including government) – namely through its impact on information dissemination. However, there is also […]

Economist magazine says legalize drugs

As said, the economist magazine says legalize drugs (ht Carpe Diem). This isn’t a big issue to me personally – relative to what I see as “big issues” like the current recession.  However, I can definitely see some good in legalizing (and taxing) drugs (something we were discussing here).  For some reason though, it is […]

New blog from NZ economist

Offsetting behaviour by Eric Crampton (ht Anti-Dismal). Already there is a set of post on policy ignorance up.  Here is a quote from here: Political ignorance then is ignorance about how the political system works in general rather than necessarily ignorance about any specific policy issue I can tell you’re interested, go give it a […]