Entries by Matt Nolan

Something’s missing …

Just saw this cartoon by Mike Moreu on the outsourcing of call centre staff (ht Nigel Pinkerton): Source (Mike Moreu on Stuff) Job security isn’t the only difference – the other is wages. The artist forgets to mention that they have job security because they are paid significantly less than a New Zealander would accept. […]

A sure way to increase uncertainty

Is it me, or did Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner make matters worse with his announcement about the TARP today. Given how long people have been waiting for a “solution” from government, statements like: We are exploring a range of different structures for this program, and will seek input from market participants and the public as […]

Job summit: For the Inquiring Mind blog

Adam Smith (the NZ blogger, not the 18th Century Scottish Economist) has asked for comments surrounding the “job summit”. Given that this is a blog on New Zealand economics I would feel guilty about not sending some comments his way 🙂 There is a bullet point summary of the post at the bottom.