Entries by Matt Nolan

Question: Bank funding

Tell me, why is the six month deposit rate at its lowest level since December 1970 if it is so hard for bank’s to get funding? Apologises for the lack of posting and commenting lately – I am close to infinitely tied up with other exciting forms of economics.  I will try to write a […]

The value of a brand

Kiwiblog links to an interesting story about Vodaphone Vodafone (fixed for my illiteracy). In the story Vodafone begun charging for sending out paper statements after setting up a text statement service. Sure enough customers were unhappy – so they reversed the decision and now are not charging for the statements again. What was important for […]

A ranking of Beatles songs

Marginal Revolution links to a ranking that someone made of Beatles songs.  Its definitely worth a read – it is amazing how diverse the Beatles music was, and how many important economic style considerations they made in their songs. My top five Beatles songs would be: “Within You Without You” (27th on his list), “Norwegian […]

December labour market data: Yuck!

Yuck yuck yuck. Given the lack of seasonal adjustment in this series the numbers don’t look as bad as they are – December is normally a very strong quarter for employment after all. A unemployment rate over 5% in December is a possibility – if these numbers actually line up with the household labour force […]