Entries by Matt Nolan

If you have issues with putting up comments …

Our spam filter is being quite over and under zealous simultaneously.  It lets a little bit of spam through – but I have heard that it has caught out a few comments. If you write a comment and it doesn’t turn up within about five minutes, email me at nolan.matt@gmail.com and tell me and I’ll […]

Is New Zealand fighting a wave of protectionism?

Protectionism is a scary thing during a global downturn. A bunch of nations trying to “protect” their own interests can turn a bad situation into a worse one. New Zealand wants to fight off what it sees as protectionism – namely subsidies for dairy farmers in Europe. However, although there is too much protectionism out […]

Obama disagrees with me

No doubt people here know that I am concerned about any stimulus package that comes out without realising that “potential output” has taken a knock. I believe that people out there that are nervous about the stimulus package have the same concern in mind. However, it appears that Obama does not feel the same way […]

Market panic: Should we trust it?

Mark Perry at Carpe Diem has an excellent post comparing the 1991/92 recession to the current recession in terms of “media reporting”. As he illustrates in his post, the constant comparisons to the Great Depression also occurred during this time – even though for the US it was a relatively mild recession. Although I am […]