Entries by Matt Nolan

No money? No problem!

Or so says a recent spam email: No Money? No Problem! You’re entitled to government funding and can claim it here Government money is readily available for many reasons including: # Business setup / expansion # Real estate purchase and renovation # Rent payment assistance # Bills # Education # Equipment # And Much Much […]

Broken windows and thrown towels: The issue of stimulus

Over at Economists View, Mark Thoma points out and, in my opinion, rightly criticises a piece from the Cato institute on fiscal stimulus. Now the Cato piece seems to equate a fiscal stimulus strictly with the “broken window fallacy“.  I do not completely agree with this.  As Thoma points out government investment should be counter-cyclical, […]

Borrowing, expectations, and potential output

Over at EconoSpeak they have attacked Kevin Hassett on his call that the US government should run a balanced budget (ht Economist’s View). Now, although I don’t necessarily agree with Kevin Hassett’s prescriptions, I can understand his feeling that the “paradox of thrift” argument for more government spending seems a bit strange in the case […]