Entries by Matt Nolan

Paymark and December shopping

In an article filled with interesting facts, James Weir from the Dominion Post looks at the Paymark data.  This data gives a strong indicator of what happened to eftpos sales over a month – which is probably relatively similar to what happened to retail sales itself. Now, I agree with them that these numbers indicate […]

What happened with Boxing day?

The news stories all seem to indicate that Boxing day was a huge success for retailers (*,*).  If this is the case, then the rapid slowdown in retail spending recorded over November and early December may have been the result of timing issues and price expectations, rather than poor consumer sentiment. What do I mean?  […]

Are we overplaying the crisis

I noticed that there were some end of 2008 articles by Michael Laws and Fiona MacDonald. Both take economists to task, one for doomsaying and one for obsessing about growth. Fundamentally, both articles have one theme in common – economists are exaggerating the impact of the crisis for the man on the street. Sure, there […]

Technology as king?

Over the holidays I had a little peek at “the Universe in a nutshell” by Stephen Hawking.  Early on in the book he states that it is technology, not political systems or economic dogma, that has led to the vast improvement in living standards in modern times. Now to a large degree, economists agree with […]