Entries by Matt Nolan

We have moved …

Our address is now http://www.tvhe.co.nz (note that it was previously http://tvhe.wordpress.com) The new RSS feed is at http://www.tvhe.co.nz/feed/ or you can automatically subscribe with the links on the right. Update your blogrolls, feeds, bookmarks, and other stuff 🙂

The temporary redundancy package

So National got in, and as a result it is their redundancy package that has passed into law (as opposed to the Labour one). I am still not happy that we are running a redundancy package now and not in normal economic times. Why are people that are made redundant now any more deserving of […]

Phoenix Perth 1-1

How did other people find the game last night. I have to admit that it was probably the worst refing performance I’ve seen in my life – did the ref know that you weren’t allowed to touch the ball with your hand?  At first his calls were bad, but by the second half they were […]