Entries by Matt Nolan

British use the environment to promote protectionism

So the British are increasing the international departure tax, and stating that it is an “externality tax”.  What spectacularly wrong-headed logic. The externality they are talking about is “carbon emissions” – now as long as they tax the fuel that airlines use the externality is accounted for, as the carbon emissions stem from fuel use.  […]

Inflation expectations beginning to moderate?

So the survey of inflation expectations are out and … median two-year ahead inflation expectations have surrendered 0.3 percentage points to lie at 2.7%. This takes this measure back to its March 2008 level. This is ok, however the big kicker for me is the average hourly earnings outlook, with expectations of hourly wage growth […]

How does a fiscal boost work?

This is an important question, given that we are in a situation where governments around the world are looking to loosen fiscal policy. Tyler Cowen succinctly lists the four (five) ways that fiscal policy influences the economic situation – note that this ignores issues of the quality or distribution of spending. These are: Generate some […]