Entries by Matt Nolan

The delay of the ETS and forestry

One thing that does upset me about the constant delays to the emissions trading scheme is the impact it has on the poor old forestry industry. Forestry has struggled from high shipping costs, strong competition from places like Russia which has driven down prices, a large decrease in demand as building activity collapsed (especially in […]

Blog personality type

At Typealyzer they have they have a tool that finds out the personality type of a blog (ht Greg Mankiw). Given that this is a mainstream economics blog the result was unsurprising – INTJ – The Scientists. Here is the description: The long-range thinking and individualistic type. They are especially good at looking at almost […]

A carbon tax?

It sounds like the possibility of a “carbon tax” is back on the table. We have written on the topic before – but it does not appear that we have laid out what I see as the primary costs and benefits of the different options. As a result, I will do that now. In the […]