Entries by Matt Nolan

Starbucks and Macroeconomic activity

Over at 100 word blog, Richard notices an interesting phenomenon – namely that areas with more Starbucks are being more heavily hit by the credit crisis.  Now this isn’t good for NZ – as we have over 40! Looking at this only provides us a correlation – not causation, as the Starbucks are not causing […]

September quarter QES and LCI – what happened?

I do not know what happened, as I am writing this post several days before the results came out. So what did happen? Key statistics for me are: Hours worked:  How much did they decline?  This is the “labour input” in its entirety – if domestic activity is declining this will tell us. Retail/construction/wholesale/business and […]

Matt is away

Matt is away for the next two weeks. There will still be posts from me – which are time delayed.  However, my response to any questions will also be significantly time delayed as I will not have access to the internet. Other authors will be posting and commenting while I am away – I just […]

Quote: 7) John Maynard Keynes – on self-sufficiency

John Maynard Keynes: I see three outstanding dangers in economic nationalism and in the movements towards national self-sufficiency, imperilling their success. The first is Silliness–the silliness of the doctrinaire. It is nothing strange to discover this in movements which have passed somewhat suddenly from the phase of midnight high-flown talk into the field of action. […]